Category: Get to know me

  • Self-awareness

    One trait that I have that I find seriously lacking in most others is self-awareness. I find so many people just “do” without any thought about their surroundings and the people around them. Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards.…

  • Stressors for an Introvert

    Talking to people Being put on the spot Making small talk Job interviews Phone calls Meeting new people Dealing with people without enough “me” time Unannounced visitors Group projects Public speaking Having to give someone negative feedback Leading a meeting Confrontation in general Time pressures. Too many things to do, not enough time

  • Embracing my Introversion

    Individuals have the capacity to learn how to act outside of our natural tendencies. This ability is a survival skill. As an introvert, I can spend time in large groups. I can answer on-the-spot questions when circumstances deem it necessary. But because my brain is wired differently than an extrovert’s, I have a different tolerance…

  • Respecting the Introvert

    How to respect the emotional needs of an introvert It’s important to recognize that their ways of interacting with the world are likely different from yours, especially if you’re more of an extrovert. Here are a few ways to respect the emotional needs of an introvert: Resist the urge to interrupt an introvert. It sometimes…

  • HSP – Highly Sensitive Person

    I have spent the better part of the past decade trying to find some real answers as to who I am and why i think as I do.  I have come to the conclusion that I am: I am a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) I am and introvert with a rare personality type (INFJ) Due…

  • Am I a Misanthrope?

    #1 I love the Internet. Because with the internet, I can watch movies, do my work, shop, and be entertained without having to deal with people physically. However… #2 I rarely visit social media. The idea of socializing with people without having to stand near them should be appealing to me, but with my level…

  • Do I hate women?

    I see the word misogynist applied almost entirely to men that have committed or threatened to commit some kind of atrocity against women. According to Wikipedia, “According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.” I want to be…

  • Personality – INFJ

    As part of my personal soul-searching and research I took the Myers and Briggs Personality test (online, not the go to the clinic and spend money test) and the results gave me the INFJ badge. The INFJ is considered to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. “INFJ”…

  • No hurry to jump into bed

    I think it might be easier for a Homosexual to “get to know” themselves and to be able to identify as being Gay than for a person to identify as having introverted personality.  It was not until I heard the coined phrase and started reading about Introverts that I felt that I possessed that type…

  • I abhor violence and cruelty

    Everyone hates violence and cruelty, but for highly sensitive people, seeing or hearing about it can be extremely unsettling. I can’t watch gory, or violent movies without getting upset or even feeling physically ill. Movies that my mind can accept as “unbelievable” don’t have the same effect, that is to say I could watch Aliens…