Category: Get to know me

  • I get exhausted absorbing other’s feelings

    I tend to “absorb” other people’s emotions, almost like an empath would. It’s not unusual for me to walk into a room and immediately sense the moods of the people in it. That’s because I am very aware of subtleties — including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice — that others may miss.…

  • Time pressures stress me

    When I have too many things on my to-do list and not enough time to finish them, I feel very stressed. I am more sensitive to stimulation, and time pressure is no exception. I am the “go-to-guy” at work and sometimes I have far too many people coming at me all at once.  I feel…

  • I am a deep thinker

    I am a deep thinker

    I process information deeply. I do plenty of reflecting on my experiences — more so than other people. Unfortunately, this also means I am more prone to negative overthinking. Sometimes I obsessively play events over and over in my mind or spiral into anxious thoughts. It makes sense that deep thinking almost always equals overthinking.…

  • I am a seeker

    I seek answers to the big questions in life. I ask why things are the way they are and what their role in all of it is. I often wonder why other people aren’t as captivated by the mysteries of human nature and the universe as I am. Some people seem to drift through life…

  • My inner world is alive

    Due to my deep processing, I have a rich inner world. As a child, I had several imaginary friends (more than real ones), enjoyed fantasy-based play, and was prone to daydreaming. I process things deeply, and I am usually thinking about the big things in life. That could be as personal as how a friendship…

  • I often feel misunderstood

    I have been called “shy” or “anxious,” and perhaps it was implied that something was wrong with me. For the most part, deep thinkers are introverts who remain immersed in their thoughts most of the day and don’t open up to other people easily. For this reason, those who don’t know me well may get a wrong…

  • Conflict is poison

    When there’s tension or disagreement in my close relationships, I feel it deeply. As a result, I am conflict-avoidant, doing or saying almost anything to keep the other person happy. It’s because conflict hurts so much. Fighting with a loved one is the worst, but I tend to feel extra anxious when conflict arises. Often an…

  • Criticism hurts me

    Words really matter to me. Positive words can make me soar, but harsh words will send me crashing to the ground. Criticism can feel like a dagger, and negativity is toxic to my  finely-tuned system.

  • I am conscientious

    At work and in everything that I do, I try hard not to make mistakes. Of course, this doesn’t mean I’m perfect — nobody is! — but I am always giving things your best effort.

  • I am moved by beauty

    Fine meals, rich scents, beautiful artwork, or stirring melodies have a deep impact on me. Music or certain sounds puts me in a near trance-like state, or the way the wind catches the leaves in the autumn sunlight leaves me awestruck. I don’t understand how other people aren’t as moved by beauty as I am.